Marc Chagall e il mosaico

Mar-Ravenna Art Museum
18 October 202518 January 2026
Every day except Monday
Mosaico le Coq Bleu dal cartone di Marc Chagall.

From 18th October 2025 to 18th January 2026, on the occasion of the IX Biennial of Contemporary Mosaic, the MAR – Ravenna Art Museum will host MARC CHAGALL E IL MOSAICO, a major exhibition dedicated to one of the most important masters of the 20th century.
A unique event that will open the kermesse dedicated to mosaic and that for three intense months will invite visitors to immerse themselves in a technique with a centuries-old history that never ceases to fascinate.
Starting with one of the masterpieces in the museum’s collection, Le Coq bleu, the exhibition traces the great master’s artistic career through the mosaics he created, his projects and his collaborations with artists and mosaicists from Ravenna.
The exhibition is realised in co-production with the National Chagall Museum of Nice and the Art Museum of the city of Ravenna, and will be curated by the General Director of the National Museums of the Alpes-Maritimes, Anne Dopffér, the scientific director of the Chagall Museum, Gregory Couderc, the curator of the Art Museum of the city of Ravenna, Giorgia Salerno, and the artistic director of the IX Biennial of Contemporary Mosaic of Ravenna, Daniele Torcellini.

Opening Times

Tuesday to Saturday: 9 a.m.-6 p.m.
Sunday and public holidays: 10 a.m. – 7 p.m.
The ticket office service ends half an hour before closing time

The museum is closed on Mondays and 25 December

Entrance Fee

Admission fee to be defined


 +39 0544 482775


Mar-Ravenna Art Museum

Via di Roma, 13, 48121 Ravenna RA

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