Mausloeum of Galla Placidia
The Mausoleum of Galla Placidia, built in 425 A.D., with its unique early Christian mosaics, is one of the eight amazing UNESCO World Heritage sites in the city of Ravenna.
Ravenna is known as the Capital of Mosaic.
UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) has included eight of its monuments, built between the 5th and 6th centuries AD, in its World Heritage List.
Discovering Ravenna is a journey through time, into the beauty and authentic soul of late-Antique Byzantine mosaic art.
But that is not all.
In Ravenna, mosaic has passed through history and today has evolved into techniques – and poetics – open to the world and the future.
Explore Ravenna
Since 1996, eight monuments from the 5th-6th centuries AD have been included in the UNESCO list of World Heritage sites.
Ravenna was the capital of the Western Roman Empire (from 402 A.D.), of the Kingdom of the Goths (493-553 A.D.) and of the Byzantine Empire until 751 A.D., when the Langobards invaded the city.
This period of glory is evidenced by Ravenna’s unequalled heritage of mosaics, created between the 5th and 6th centuries AD.
These mosaics also illustrate the transition from Hellenistic-Roman art – which appealed to the eyes by imitating reality – to Byzantine art, an Eastern language that spoke to the soul through symbols, concepts, and an endless array of radiant golden tesserae.
Ravenna’s past is documented by astonishing archaeological discoveries that have added many rich details to its history.
Thanks to planned archaeological excavations or unexpected discoveries, today we can admire splendid mosaics that were hidden from view for centuries!
You can come across underwater crypts, admire floor mosaics from the Middle Ages, stroll through ancient palaces or discover a 6th-century underground villa.
The museums of Ravenna house a wealth of ancient and modern mosaics.
Discover stunning mosaics from vanished palaces and churches, brought to light through archaeological campaigns. Mosaic in Ravenna is a living art form that has evolved through history – you’ll be amazed by the surprising modern and contemporary mosaics on display!
Strolling through the city, you will enjoy contemporary mosaic works, installations, and elements of street furniture that adorn lively public spaces.
Over time, master mosaicists, their students, and many other internationally renowned artists have donated sculptural works decorated with mosaics that now enrich numerous city views.
The workshops, studios, and ateliers of Ravenna’s artists are both heirs to and innovators of the ancient mosaic technique.
Since the early 1900s, Ravenna has been home to master mosaicists – experts in both ancient and contemporary techniques – and to artists who are the sole creators and executors of their works. In Ravenna, mosaic has evolved into a language of infinite variation.
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